
Bitch Fit '08: Laid To Rest

"I’ve removed all links to some of the blog “drama” over this post , that had one blogger linking to me a couple of days ago, not once but twice. I talked about resolving to be a better woman and a friend in 2008 with this post late last year. And what I’ve known for sure since I was 7 at Turkey Thicket playground is that antagonizing other women is NOT how you make a friend on or off the net (thank you Jia for showing young women how its really done). Alas I chalk it up to that crowd being young and 20. Though its never cute or endearing, that “I was feeling you but now I hate you” BS is even less attractive at 32, which is why I wish I never even responded to the first childish bait" [cue Looney Tunes theme]

Ever notice when someone gets their ass handed to them on a platter, they then deem the whole brouhaha to be nothing more than "childish games", games they created and actively participated in, but games no less? Go be a "grown woman" Tiff-nay. Apparently, being grown means googling the hell out of my user names and looking at my Myspace, My Blog Log, gynecological records, middle school lunch menus and this here blog. Well go head on with ya bad self!

Tiff-Pac has taken the high road and put an end to the blog post beef that she manufactured all in her head. I would provide a link, but The Comeback Girl seems to equate link backs to her blog as my envy/friend request, so I don't want to confuse that child any more than she already is (you already need a dictionary, thesaurus and a world negro encyclopedia to understand what the hell she's saying, anyway). After deleting and banning users of any opinions posted her blog that do not 100% agree with hers, I'm happy to see that she has managed to create an epic drama to where she plays the role of victim, avenger and hero. That's the sign of a true writer. Bravo, Tiff! The Comeback Girl is going places, including the hell out of my face!

I'll let this white boy express my sentiment to the freedom writers of the world:

With a dollop of:

Take a second of your time to tell Tiff-nay how you feel since she's actively deleting comments and banning commenters who ask for clarity after painfully getting through any of her asinine rants. We KNOW you're reading. Take the questions and criticisms in stride, Tiff-nay. You'll be all the better for it.
