It is a long ass six weeks until the Democratic primary showdown in Pennsylvania, so we've got to deal with the bull that they'll no doubt shovel to us on a daily basis.
But as far as this, Clinton Apologizes To Black Voters, don't bother bitch. You've lost us forever. I think Hillary Clinton sees the writing on the wall for her campaign. She knows that she will not win enough pledged delegates nor superdelegates, so she'd rather make John McCain look good enough to win and destroy Barack Obama's chances in November just so she can run again in 2012.
Related: Ferraro quits Clinton campaign over Obama's negative comments.
Is this bitch on speed? Obama didn't say jack shit about her wrinkly ass. She just played her role as a old white woman in distress and made this whole thing about her.
The Bitch Slap Heard Around The World
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann: Hillary Clinton and her advisors are slowly killing the chances for any Democrat to become president. "You are now campaining as if Barack Obama were the Democrat and you were the Rebublican."
Let me reiterate this for anyone who don't realize it by now:
African Americans did NOT fall in lockstep to support Barack Obama at the moment he announced his candidacy to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States. In the beginning of his campaign, Black Democrats were either extremely doubtful of his ability to win or they were concerned about his safety and Obama had to work damn hard to win them over.
The hype about African American voters who support Barack Obama want to make this election about race and an "us against them" thing is just that.
Related: Philadelphia's black mayor supports Clinton.:
"This notion that somehow there is a monolithic black vote [for Barack Obama] is just a myth.''
And you're just the loser to prove it.
I'm gonna let Katt Williams finish this one for me.
"A B*tch Who Won't Delegate Is Pretty Worthless In My Book"
Labels: 2008 Election