You know what? I'm not even tripping off of Hillary Clinton anymore. When she finds that perfect chair and finally decides to sit her broken and bankrupt ass down, I'll be happy for her (and the rest of us). What I am sick and frankly tired of are Hillary Clinton supporters.
The Hillbots that I have come across since Super Tuesday have got to be some of the most delusional, relentless and outright ridiculous folks that I have ever seen. Granted, I don't know too many personally (lucky for them), but sadly, there are a hell of a lot of them out there and they are trying their damnedest hold off the inevitable. While they do that, they are outright lying to themselves and anyone who will listen about Hillary's chances, Obama's shortcomings and the "cultism" of Barack Obama's campaign and its supporters.
Hillary is boasting last night's win in WEST VIRGINIA as signs that her campaign is still beating with life.
Hillary Clinton's campaign is deeply in debt by at least $20 million. Despite loaning her campaign $11 million from her personal finances since February, Clinton has mismanaged funds, defaulted paying numerous vendors and still has to pay the consulting fee of her fired former campaign manager, Mark Penn. Hillary's possible motivation for this ruse is to keep the few financial backers she has left to remain donating funds to her campaign in order to alleviate her financial responsibilities.
And no, the Obama campaign is not offering to pay Clinton's overdue bills. The blogs were spreading that lie recently. Get real, people.
Do a quick Google search about this story and see how "the others" are trying to make it seem as if it's Barack Obama's responsibility to bail her sniggling ass out because she doesn't know how to manage campaign dollars.
It's a damn shame when a white woman has to run to a black man to help her with some debt.
Hillary supporters are spreading the idea that Barack Obama is a misogynist who belongs to a "good ol' boy" network of powerful men in Washington who would hate to see a woman sit at their table.
First they say Obamas has no, none, zero experience in politics. Then he whoops her badly in one or four primaries and suddenly Barack Obama is in the upper echelon of the political male conspiracy to keep a sista down.
She's a terrible candidate. Move the hell on.

Some Hillary supporters make themselves believe that Barack Obama is only selling his supporters and the country a bill of goods, his supporters are blinded by a silver-tongued devil who is promising to solve all their problems and if one supports Barack Obama in the Democratic primaries, they have "drank the Kool-Aid" of a black man who's not really black because his ancestors were slaves. (I've actually read that.)
Look, I will cut someone smooth and clean.
They can lie to themselves until dinosaurs come back if they want to, but they had better calm down about, bemoaning and belittling a
Some of Hillary's supporters thoughts about all of Obama's supporters can be summed up into one juvenile refrain: "They think they're all that!"
And you know what else?
I am sick of particular black Americans who want a damn medal being able to "resist" giving their vote to Barack Obama. Negro, you ain't special.
I have read it a few times, but if I EVER hear someone in my company make the remark that
Leon of Chronicles of Leon has a great post up regarding this little gem here, bred from the red clay of Georgia. The print media here is getting a kick out of it:
Read Leon's take on this story here...