
Oh, So That Explains It

I had a feeling that Usher was going through some things lately.

First, there was this photo of Usher looking visibly disturbed while holding his mystery son.

Then, he gave a terrible performance on Tuesday's Dancing With the Stars finale while others said he kept messing up choreography and having bitch fits during rehearsal. [People]

And now, The YBF's "extremely reliable sources" are reporting that Usher and his wife Tameka of only nine months are now legally separated. And only six days from his album release!

At this time, it’s unclear as to what reason–if any–Ursh is going to give for their separation. But I have two guesses…both of which fit the classic Usher-pre-album-release-publicity stunts he has pulled before with previous album releases. Either the beef between the Mrs. and Mama Ursh is too much for Usher to handle, or he found out baby Usher V is not his. Regardless, Urshmeka is chillin’ on Splitsville Lane right now and time will only tell how this is all about to play out. [The YBF]

Usher has always been a little cunty, so I don't know if it's really easy to tell if he's going through some tough times or if he's on his period.
