
I Keep Getting Let Down

First of all...

I hate when people see a movie and then analyzes the plot and the characters to everybody and their mama before they even get a chance to see said movie. In this case, I'm going to go ahead and try to help all of you save some time, precious money and plenty of sanity.


Two weeks ago, I was geeked to see The Strangers, a movie that looked like a good horror flick from the trailer. When will I ever learn? All the good stuff is always in the damn trailer!

The movie had EVERY SINGLE white-person-in-a-horror-flick cliche imaginable.

Young white couple in the woods - Check

Weak ass female lead - Check

Over-confident to the point of stupidity male - Check

One not believing the other when one says they saw masked madmen running around -Check

Walking outside in the previously mentioned wooded area to yell at the masked madmen to leave you alone - Check

Leaving the house repeatedly to try and go for help - Check (while the madmen are lurking around the house, mind you)

House phone line getting cut, cell phone out of power, spare cell phone missing, sneaking out the house to reach the spare phone in the shed (WTF?) - Check

Finding two guns in the house and not knowing how to load them - Check

Finding two big ass guns in the house, finally figuring how to load them and then going on to only use one damn gun - Check

The "hero" shooting an innocent party - Check

Putting the damn gun down after getting distracted - Check

Boring and unimaginative killers - Check

Two young teenagers discovering the scene the next day, a door wide open and blood on the walls and who still decide to walk further in the house to investigate - Check

And to top it off, The Strangers had one of the most lame and anti-climatic endings I've seen in a movie. I was thinking, "THAT'S IT?!!" Three maniacs chase a young and stupid couple around into the daylight hours, ram into them with a truck, chop down their door with an axe, tie them up, reveal their faces and ever so gently offs them with a kitchen knife! They did all of that before they caught them and used a household instrument as their weapon of choice. They might as well made them drink bleach. At least it would have been more captivating.

I haven't been this angry at a film in quite some time, Soul Plane included. Just save your duckets and donate them to the Barack Obama campaign. (I'm making it a point to incorporate the Obama campaign into all of my posts, (even the Party and Bullsh*t ones) to constantly remind you of Game Day in November :-).

Speaking of campaigns, this past Saturday Hillary Clinton was four months late suspending hers and Jesus wept.

I was reading the news when I came across this:


Why Erika Alexander/Cousin Pam/Maxine Shaw, Attorney at Law?! One of my 90's sheroes followed Hillary Clinton to the crossroads so she won't be lonely.

It's still inexcusable!

Seriously, this really shocked me. This is almost as bad when I found out Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a Republican. Don't get me wrong, I'd still smash, but he'd have to get the hell out right after. And don't look me in my eyes.
