It has taken me quite a while to post these pictures of this year's fuckalicious prom wear choices of urban America because it is a momentus task. I don't know where to start with these folks. I am at a loss for words!
I mean really...
Do these two suffer from a glandular issue? Could these really be "little people"? I hope so because I'm hoping against hope that no mother on her worst day would dress up a tot in this fuck'd fashion for any reason.
Mama was pregnant with her on her prom night, so she's gotta be compensated in some way.
I'm sure they got the dress made, but where did they get the shoes? WHO is making evening footwear for the under 5 crowd?! And why does this child's mother have to exacerbate this poor child's hairline? **runs**
You know, some things I just cannot handle. I have way more questions than answers.
Is she fighting bulls in the morning? Shorts with an attached cape? Judging from the Mexican church shoes, I'm gonna go with a confident "Yes".
Did she have to the entire bag of hair before it expired? Maybe she doesn't want anybody to see who she is since her prom date has on a damn short set/hoodie combo--at the prom! Although, the pank boutonnière adds and air of sophistication and the Timbs and the white socks keep it real.
Is the girl in the background wearing a former parachute. I guess you gotta save money however you can.
Is the one on the left a chaperone? I don't think she's had "teen" in her age in a few decades.
Jac'Quann had to text his date to bring him his purse and tampons.
Of the couples who at least looked like they knew what a prom was,
The girl is wearing a dog collar...
And Tyrone and the Supremes on a three-way date.
I'm so drained...
Thank you, Kasha, Shelly and Willette. I can't stand y'all.
More under the cut if you can stand it...
The girl on the right must feel like a damn freak.