TLC aired a show recently regarding Beauty Pageants, entitled "Toddlers & Tiaras." As I sat there watching the parents subject their little girls (and boys) to spray tans, pedicures, make-up, & "flippers," etc., I wondered if these little ones REALLY wanted to be there or is Mom and Grandma living vicariously through them?? I also noticed that I rarely saw any of the fathers in the audience supporting their little ones, except for a couple, including the "male" half of the family from Jackson, MS (& No, I don't know them!! lol!!). I don't think I could allow Tookie to participate unless I get a great return on my investment. The entry fee for these pageants are around $700, add that to costumes & travel costs, the Grand Prize of $1000, tiara & sash just doesn't seem fair. Tookie needs to win some diaper& gas money, shoot!!
Here's a clip of the show:
Parents and to be parents (yes, that includes you too, WILMA), have you or will you ever enter your child in a beauty pageant?