
An Obama Assassination Strikes Fear In Some Supporters

Genuine Concern or a Cop-out Tactic?

[Barack Obama supporters] watch with wonder as Barack Obama moves ever closer to becoming America's first black president. And they ask themselves, their family, their friends: Is he at risk? Will he be safe?

In New Mexico, a daughter says she persuaded her mother to still vote for Mr. Obama, even though the mother feared that winning would put him in danger.

Clyde Barrett, 66, a longtime U.S. Labor Department employee now retired in Tampa, Fla., says he often hears expressions of concern for Obama's safety. One young acquaintance, Barrett said, declared he wouldn't even vote for Obama for fear of exposing him to more danger.

"To me that's a cop-out, where you can't take a stand and support someone because you fear for his safety," Barrett said. "I don't have any apprehension ... We've got to go ahead and persevere."


...a recent local radio show in which one female caller termed Obama "the devil" and falsely asserted that he was Muslim.

His wife, Michelle Obama, voiced concerns about his safety before he was elected to the Senate. Three years ago, she said she dreaded the day her husband received Secret Service protection, because it would mean serious threats had been made against him.


"If you're willing to heed Coretta Scott King's words and not be afraid of the future ... there's no challenge we can't overcome," she said.

[source, source]

I'm sure some of you may have heard the position of some people who have decided not to vote for Barack Obama in the primaries or in the presidental election if he becomes party's nominee for fear he will be killed by a disgruntled American.

If the man is putting himself out there on the line everyday, the least people who believe in his message could do is support his campaign and help him to win the hearts and minds of the American electorate.

Those "fears" that some tout as the reason for voting against Barack Obama are just excuses to not be responsible and be involved in the future of your country and to me that's just plain old punk thinking.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that Barack Obama is ethnic?


Clinton Staffers Circulate Photos of a "Dressed" Obama

Read here...

Clinton Staffer:

"Wouldn't we be seeing this on the cover of every magazine if it were HRC?"

Hell no. Hillary Rodham Clinton is not the person people are trying to paint as a radical fundamentalist Wahabbi Muslim, you bastard.
