
I've Been Tagged and Now I'm "It"

Leon from Chronicles of Leon has tagged yours truly. Someone please remind me to pay him back for this honor.

Here are the rules!

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules in your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. I have abnormally small ear holes. Whatever the outside entrance into your ear is called, it cannot support earbuds of any variety on me. Imagine my disappointment when the iPod came along. They are just too large for me. I'm just thankful that earbuds are the only thing I can say that about...

2. I am a chronic overtipper. I don't get insane with it, but at times, my tips can be well above what's acceptable. When dining out, I "correct" the tips of people in my group so that we aren't looked at negatively by the waitstaff. I have done it so much to the point that people who are with me at restaurants will make me leave the table first or will go and check the table after I leave just to help and save me from myself.

3. If there was such a thing as a part-time relationship or rotating shift marriage, I would have signed up a long time ago. I like to be left alone too much to even consider the alternative.

4. If someone can make me laugh and laugh a lot, they'll gain a groupie in me.

5. I like to create cocktails whenever I get the chance. I would love for you all to try what I call "The Hernia".

6. Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate Beyonce (gag). Fairly recent, it has become fashionable for many to be tired of seeing Beyonce everywhere and to bash her at every turn. The truth is, I have never liked Beyonce and her brand of entotainment fuckery. Just because I choose to point it out whenever I see fit (all the time), doesn't translate into hate. No vitriol is ever intended on my part.

A good gesture to make after giving this type of statement would be for me to qualify it by saying something nice about Beyonce.


Marq, Markus, Sessa, That1Girl, and Chelle you have been TAGGED!
