I know you've heard the story by now, but I have something to get off my chest...
For the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I'm jealous of Gary Coleman. I want to be in a committed, abusive relationship with someone that'll marry me out of pity.
Some pure gems from their interview with Inside Edition (LINK)
Price, who actually proposed to Coleman, tells INSIDE EDITION he surprised her with their wedding on her 22nd birthday.
So, she was 20 or so when they met? She's trying to get away from her family.
Price and Coleman tell INSIDE EDITION the honeymoon stage of their marriage has waned with Price describing the relationship as “off and on.” “We may go a week and not speak to each other, but that’s because you’re thinking and mulling things over,” says Coleman.
Price explains, saying, “Yeah, I’ve locked myself in a room and stayed there because I’m like, ‘You know what? I don’t even want to fight over this, its ridiculous.” Price admits on several occasions the fights have gone beyond yelling. “He lets his anger conquer him sometimes, I don’t like the violence, I really don’t…He throws things around, and sometimes he throws it in my direction…He’s got to damage something before his anger stops.”
Remember when he jumped on that woman for asking for his autograph?
Coleman explains to INSIDE EDITION why he threw a printer on the morning of his interview with the television show. “I threw the printer because my agent wanted to send me a fax, and it wouldn’t fax, and she (Price) was upset at me over something that I had done. And I just took that printer and said, ‘You know what, you just need to die.’”
According to Price, she has had to call the police on several occasions. “He actually got a disorderly conduct ticket one time because we had gotten into an argument, just a minor argument in Provo. The guy gave him a ticket and he freaked out and he was on six months probation…He had to go take an anger...(The article just stops.)
You know times are too damn hard when you've got to call the cops to keep Gary Coleman from kicking your ass.
I post this to ask:
What can I do? Give me tips! How can I have what they have??!! I can't do another Valentine's day alone (after this year...unless I find true love at Jiffy Lube this afternoon).
Advice Hour
Labels: Crazy Love