
Heffa, Say What?

I don't know what made me remember this:

Before moving to the Atlanta area, I had to make a few preliminary trips to the city to take care of a few things. When I would come into town, I would stay over my older sister's home in Dunwoody, a little well-to-do area north of Atlanta. Since I had to go into downtown Atlanta a few times, I figured that it would be best to take the MARTA since I was so close to the nearest station.

During mid-day, I got to the MARTA station and I had to buy tokens from a this dinosaur of a machine and I had no idea how to operate it. There were no agents around, so I when a lady came to use the machine next to mine, I decided to ask her since the train was coming in any minute.

So, I spoke up to get her attention,

"Excuse me, Ma'am..."

Before I could finish my request, she interjects,

"I don't have any money to give you."

And she walks away.

It was one of those instances where you're left there wondering whether or not it actually happened. All I could think was woooooooooooooooooooow. Her ass looked like she caught onto the grunge fad 20 years after all the emo YTs had moved on and yet she had the unmitigated gall to think I was hitting her up for some spare change.

I didn't get angry our upset. Actually, I had a good laugh at the lady who thought too lowly of me and too highly of herself.

And I still didn't have any damn tokens!

I mention this to ask:

Doesn't bigotry crack your sh*t up at times?

Many times it's not sad nor defeating. It's just funny.

Maybe it's just me.

(I'm not going to even bring up those folks who yell "nigger" speeding vehicles for an adrenaline rush.)
