
They Don't Dance No Mo'

People don't dance anymore. Out of all the time black people have been roaming the earth and expressing themselves, it took a couple of young negroes on music videos to convince the streets that it wasn't the thing to do anymore.


When we were kids, we would spend hour upon hour trying to perfect the Kid-N-Play (I could not cross my legs with someone else's and hop in a circle to save my damn life). Soul Train and MTV's The Grind were must see tv and now there are only three categories of dancing remaining:

Holding up the wall, nodding the head to acknowledge the beat of the music periodically

The Two-Step

Simulated Sex

What was your dance (back when people were allowed to do so)? Your specialitay!

When I tell you one of my most proudest moments was mastering the Tootsie Roll...
