Yesterday on my ride home I tuned into The Monique Show where her topic was women’s health issues and she had her personal OBGYN answering callers various questions. Well one lady called in who said she was 50 years old, a diabetic, celebate for 5 years*ummmkay* and had come to the conclusion that she was now ready to have a baby*wtf*! She said she has a son who’s in his 30’s but earlier in her life just never found the right person she wanted to reproduce with again but NOW she was ready *side eye*. Of course the Dr told her it would be way too risky and Monique told her to get a puppy*good answer*. But why the hell would you want to give birf at 50? Aren’t all the eggs dried up by then and aren’t you going through the “Change”?! You would be 62 with a twelve year old. And from my own personal experience of dealing with an almost 60 year old mother still going through menopause, their patience is very thin and they can’t remember nathin! Even for me at 28 after I spend an entire day with my child I feel like I’m 50! I’ve made my mind up that if I don’t have another one by the age of 32 I just won’t be having anymore. So my question to you is at what age do you say “HELL NAW” to giving birth?